Cast your private school admissions staff.
Establishing a personal connection with people requires a great personality and a keen ability to read, understand, and listen to people. I allow that a high-quality admissions person, who is fundamentally assertively sales-driven, can do a excellent job at enrolling students. However, the standard push, push, push admissions model always dissuades a significant quantity of potential students. As such, in the name of “making a connection” with students, I’ve realized the most success when staffing a new school is more like you’re casting a movie (or sit-com) and less like a conventional “who has the best resume and can type the most words per minute”. This approach does sometimes mean that you have to do more staff training, and time is required to get all the pieces of the staff puzzle to get into place, but once you have a good dynamic within your admissions team, your student conversion rate will definitely increase.
Read more:
Intro to branding and messaging for education
Industry authority by marketing information
Importance of your admissions staff