All functions included. Endless Support. Customize & Personalize.
- Unlike the other systems, poliSCHOOL clients get an enrollment CRM and Student Information System at a flat monthly rate with no catches or up charges. You don’t pay more as you grow. Moreover, as new features are added you automatically get them at no additional cost. When you combine poliSCHOOL school management software with other services offered by poliARC, you will spend less money each month while getting more services and better functionality.
- All new clients received personalize system setup and training sessions over Zoom, as well as access to poliSCHOOL University, our role-based user training system. The help and support ticket system is propriety and built into poliSCHOOL; it’s always one click away. Hire new staff, no problem: staff users can always request more Zoom training.
- Because of how poliSCHOOL is structured, it’s possible for each client to have custom layouts as well as totally custom modules installed in their system. If you have a specific need that falls outside of what poliSCHOOL includes, there’s a decent chance we can create it as a custom module that integrates into poliSCHOOL just for you.

All you need is a device with an internet connection and a full web browser.
- Attendance: enter and track attendance for class, lab, and individual / externship clock hours. Print attendance sheets and entire books. Student photos included on attendance sheets, plus system-wide low attendance and consecutive absences warnings and email alerts.
- Grades & Assessments: Real-time cumulative calculations. Custom grade types and grade weights for every course and program. Custom transcripts and grade reports. Low grade and missing grade warnings and notices and alerts.
- Auto-Fill Email, PDF, and MS Word Doc Templates: pS uses short codes in dynamic templates personalize key school documents: enrollment agreement, grade and attendance standing, account statement, etc. This means for an entire course you can email or print grade reports, account statements, enrollment agreements, marketing emails – anything you need all with a couple clicks. pS dramatically speeds up communication and document processing.
- Admissions CRM for Enrolling Students: Inquiry to enrolled student all from the Admissions CRM list. Send emails, print letters, update status, add notes, upload enrollment docs, and register students all within one window. Instantly create admissions lists by start date, ownership, status, and more.
- Scheduling: calendar-based schedule for classes, externships, staff and teachers. Print monthly schedules and weekly time cards / externship sign-off forms.
- Unlimited Users and Student Records: the monthly rate does not increase as you add more student records. No cost surprises.
- Student ID Cards: built-in designs that you can modify to fit your school’s branding. With a couple clicks print ID cards for an entire class.
- Student Invoices and Payments: covers tuition, admin fees, and materials. Includes reports, revenue projections, instant unearned tuition, automatic invoice reminder emails, and real-time refund calculations. Students can view and print invoices in the student portal. Staff can print deposits, account statements, student ledgers, and export account ledgers by campus and program.
- Student Assignment Upload: Allow students to turn in assignments online.
- Online Multiple Choice Tests: TMC tests with image and PDF attachments. Results are linked to assignments and automatically insert the grade as well as update the GPA.
- Online Skills Tests: Hands-on skills tests that instructors give students one-on-one to demonstrate proficiency. Like MC tests, the results are stored separately, and grade automatically inserted into student records.
- Custom Export Creator: poliSCHOOL includes a Export Template Builder that allows you do create your own Excel-formatted export files. This enables you to not only create quick reports beyond the standard reporting throughout pS, but also design exports for archives and importing into other systems.
- Online Payments: students can pay their invoices in the student portal with a credit card or ACH transfer, and you can activate the option to automatically charge an additional CC processing fee. Students can also opt to active automatic payments with a credit card or ACH.
- SMS Text Messages: connecting with your Twilio account, poliSCHOOL sends and receives text messages and tracks SMS conversations. One-to-one AND bulk text messaging.
- Integrated IMAP Email: Send and receive your emails while logged into poliSCHOOL. If the email address matches a lead or student record, pS automatically adds it to their contact history.
- Certificate / Diploma Design & Issuing: Drag and drop designer with user-friendly interface that quickly issues uniquely serial numbered awards to graduates.
- Marketing & Metrics Report: Easy to understand and drill down. Saves hours of compiling marketing data from different sources.
- Electronic Document Storage: Upload documents for enrollment, graduate, internship/externship, and employment records. Daily online back-ups, plus weekly off-site back-ups included with service.
- Task Manager: Calendar and list-based Task Manager with email and browser pop-up notifications. Project Manager with sub-tasking, and fully automated Task Series Manager to create “drip campaign” style tasks for admissions reps. Staff can also create automatic alerts for students that are emailed and appear for them in the student portal.
- Online Student / Grad Surveys: Everything you need to survey your students and graduates via the student portal: orientation surveys, job surveys, exit interviews, etc. Results are stored and automatically linked as a student or graduate record. Question types include teacher evaluations, general rankings, open-ended, multiple choice, and more. poliSCHOOL also supports anonymous and manager-only view survey options.
- HTML Emails: send to to individuals as well as bulk emails to any list of leads or students you can create using poliSCHOOL searching and sorting filters. All emails are automatically archived in the Notes & Contact history for every person.
- Automated Processes: Consecutive absence warning, below passing warnings, payment reminders, overdue invoice notices, auto-late fees, student & staff task reminders.
- Course Materials: Upload and securely store all your course documents for instructors to access and share.
- Student Resources: Provide documents and videos in the student portal. Designate availability by program, course, and course progression (week number).
- Contacts Database: for employers, vendors, etc. Links to employment and internship functions for easier tracking.